As we enter into the final months of the year, our hearts start to reflect on everything that has happened this year. The new friends we’ve made, the lessons we’ve…
For so many of us connecting with our audience is a huge part of our lives. We pray to see our audiences the way Jesus does, and then Jesus gives…
“To me, there are three things everyone should do every day. Number one is laugh. Number two is think — spend some time in thought. Number three, you should…
Hey Y’all, I firmly believe that nothing will ever exceed it’s intended purpose. Our “what” will never exceed our “why.” So whatever we pursue in life, it should be fueled…
Hey Y’all, For the second installment of my songwriting series, I want to discuss “what makes songs significant? ” Most of us would agree that a song has real value,…
Hey Y’all, I wanted to start this series on songwriting by asking the question “what is songwriting?” I think it is an important place to our discussion on the subject.…
Hey Y’all, For many of us, pursuing our calling can seem like an endless chase. We continuously work, without knowing if we will ever arrive, or what arriving would mean.…